Happy Mountain Raw Puerh, Spring 2018, Tea Master Xu Chen Shen, Happy Mountain

Happy Mountain Raw Puerh, Spring 2018, Tea Master Xu Chen Shen, Happy Mountain
Aroma/Color/Taste: For a 2018 puerh this Happy Mountain is readily smooth, sweet, and earthy. But not astringent as young peurh’s tend to be. This is a collectors’ item. A very rare and high quality puerh.
For the savy, connoisseur of fine tea we recommend you store this 2018 Happy Mountain Tea in your basement, and let it age as you would a fine wine. Over time it will only improve, and appreciate in value and taste. From tea trees over 200 years old, it is the age of the tea tree that imbues it with its smoothness, nutritional value, energy and Qi.
Location: Happy Mountain Tea is from Happy Mountain in Yunnan Province. The trees grow wild in an area rich in biodiversity.
Made by: This tea was made by Tea Master Xu Chen Shen.
Learn how to make the tea.