Teas So Pure A Baby Can Drink
This is our friend Shaoli's baby, from China. And she is literally drinking our tea.
Our teas are pure. Chemical free. Grown by nature. Grown in pure soils. Our tea masters tell us that is all that is needed.
Our Wuyi Mountain teas are grown in the inner circle of Wuyi Mountain. At the center top of the mountain. Sometimes referred to as the Zhengyan area. Dating back to the VIII Century, Wuyi Mountain and forests were protected under emperors orders. And this protection is still maintained to this day by the Chinese Government. In 1999 the Zhengyan area of Wuyi Mountain was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is a natural reserve where no chemicals are allowed. There are virgin forests protected for wildlife, floral and "tea".
Spend time up the mountain and experience the clean freshness first hand. It is invigorating. Rivers, and waterfalls so pure, surrounded by the floral, and fauna. It is breath taking. We are very fortunate, as we visited the mountain with our tea masters and friends. And spent time at their small acreage farms.
We only offer to you, those teas that we ourselves drink. So it is without hesitation and in a true conscience, that we stand behind our teas. And it is without hesitation and in a true conscience we can say.........Teas So Pure A Baby Can Drink.